I am really hoping these are the last pics of the belly before Evie vacates her comfy home and joins us in the real world but that is probably just wishful thinking:) We have one more week until our due date of July 5th and we are beyond excited! My doctor appt on Friday was very informative - I am 2 cm dilated and I am having regular "fake" contractions and this could last a couple of more weeks but on a good note the doctor is not going to let me carry Evie past July 12th. The other good news is that even if I do need help with getting labor started - I won't need drugs, they will just go in and pop the sack which will cause labor to begin naturally. I am also officially on maternity leave as of Friday afternoon and I get to look forward to lots of naps, walks and sitting on the exercise ball. I think I may get bored in a couple of days so if anyone is around let me know:)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
39 Weeks = Maternity Leave
I am really hoping these are the last pics of the belly before Evie vacates her comfy home and joins us in the real world but that is probably just wishful thinking:) We have one more week until our due date of July 5th and we are beyond excited! My doctor appt on Friday was very informative - I am 2 cm dilated and I am having regular "fake" contractions and this could last a couple of more weeks but on a good note the doctor is not going to let me carry Evie past July 12th. The other good news is that even if I do need help with getting labor started - I won't need drugs, they will just go in and pop the sack which will cause labor to begin naturally. I am also officially on maternity leave as of Friday afternoon and I get to look forward to lots of naps, walks and sitting on the exercise ball. I think I may get bored in a couple of days so if anyone is around let me know:)
Monday, June 21, 2010
38 Weeks
We are 38 weeks pregnant today and very much looking forward to the end of this adventure. The weather has gotten hot which means I am pretty miserable with swollen feet and hands - I went to work today in flip flops because I don't fit into anything else. My weekly doctor appt went very well - my cervix is thinning but not dilated and Evie is in the right position to vacate my uterus (hopefully soon). I had "fake" contractions all weekend and felt terrible - I was really hoping I would go into real labor but nothing yet. I believe my last day of work will be this Friday, which makes me really happy because I am just too tired for 8 hour work days. I guess we are just playing the waiting game at this point.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
37 Weeks = Full Term
Yesterday we hit our 37th week of pregnancy, which means Evie is officially full term:) She can arrive at any moment now and will be completely healthy. I will admit that I am hoping she will come sooner than later but I know I have no control over this - Evie and my body will tell me when it is time.
Evie has definitely dropped and is in position to come out. I am up every hour or two at night running to the bathroom so I am pretty miserable right now. I have gained a little over 30 pounds and Evie is probably weighing in at 6 lbs 5oz. Brian and I are ready for our little bundle of joy to arrive- lets hope it is soon!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
35-36 Weeks - Last Ultrasound
This week begins our 36th week of pregnancy, which means we only have one week left until I am full term - yeah!! We graduated from Lamaze class last Tuesday and now know how to give birth to our little bundle of joy. The class was actually very informative and I feel very confident in my ability to bring Evie into this world. We had our last ultrasound on Thursday and we are both very healthy and happy. Evie is weighing in at 5lbs 14 oz and seems to be very long. We think she will weigh in between 7 to 8 pounds when she is born. The pics did not come out very well because she would not sit still- she is definitely a product of my gene pool. She is head down and sitting very low, which is a very good indication that she is getting ready to come out and meet us. For the next couple of weeks I will be going to the doctors once a week and we will be playing the waiting game - I hope it doesn't last too long. I finally packed a couple of bags for the hospital and Brian will be installing the car seat tomorrow (wish us luck)! The nursery is all set and I will post a couple more pics next week - I added a few more touches.
Memorial Day Hike
Brian and I decided to hike the Monday of Memorial Day weekend and the above pictures prove that I was capable of making it to our destination at 35 weeks pregnant. I was so proud of myself because I have been pretty tired and sedentary for the last two months and then I was able to hike over 1 mile. We went to Christmans Sanctuary located on Schoharie Turnpike. It was a beautiful day and we were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery and a small picnic. We passes several families and a few Moms gave me encouragement or expressed their amazement at my ability to hike on such a hot day. I felt great and wish we could do it more often but I will admit I went home and took a nap:)
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