Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Last wedding of the Season

 Erik and Jodi's wedding

OMG- could I have asked/imagined having a cuter child!!!!!!!!!!!  I think she gets more adorable as each day passes:) 

We celebrated our last wedding of the season - Brian's brother, Erik, married the love of his life, Jodi, this weekend.  Their story is a beautiful, classic epic that began in highschool, ended for several years but then re-connected a few years ago!  They have loved each other for over 20 years and we were lucky enough to share the moment they were able to commit to each other for the rest of their lives.  It was an amazing ceremony that brought tears to my eyes and made me thankful to witness that moment. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why Carve Pumpkins?

I found this to be an interesting little story I just came across when trying to find a recipe for pumpkin seeds and thought I would share with all of you:)

The story of the Jack o'Lantern comes from Irish folklore. Jack was a crafty farmer who tricked the Devil into climbing a tall tree. When the Devil reached the highest branch, Jack carved a large cross in the trunk, making it impossible for the Devil to climb down.

In exchange for help getting out of the tree, the Devil promised never to tempt Jack with evil again. When Jack died, he was turned away from Heaven for his sins and turned away from Hell because of his trickery. Condemned to wander the earth without rest, Jack carved out one of his turnips, took an ember from the devil, and used it for a lantern to light his way. He became known as "Jack of the Lantern."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

15 month appt

Evie went to her 15 month dr appt today.  All went well except she is still having a lot of trouble with her skin and we now have even more creams to lather her up with! 
She weighed in at 26lbs = 90th %, 33 inches long = 95th%, and her head size is in the 95th%.  She is now wearing exclusively 2T outfits and I am amazed at how much she is growing.  She is starting to slim down and you can actually see a well defined stomach and a couple of rib bones but it is still hard to lug a 26lb toddler around.  She is also walking very good, is cutting another tooth and made it through the last 3 shots she needs.  She also has a great vocabulary - She can now point at something and say "SEE" to show me what she is interested in, she also asks to sit on the couch with us but standing in front of  us and yelling "SIT" (I am trying to add Please to that sentence so it is less of a demand and more of a question:), Tree, Rockabye, tickle, doggy, cheese, and many other words escape her mouth through out the day. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sleepy Girl

My sleepy little girl!! There are certain days Evie takes two naps - she will wake up at 6:30- take a nap at 9:30 for half an hour, then another nap around 1:30 for two hours.  I like this schedule most days but when we are out running around or at a playdate Evie will miss her morning nap and usually holds up until 12 when she finally falls asleep in any position, in the middle of whatever we were doing (today it was eating lunch:)!  I figure I am not going to push Evie to change - if she wants two naps one day but only one the next - that is cool with me as long as she is a happy camper and can make it through meal time.