The Situation

I wrote the below blog about a week ago but forgot to post it - I have gone to the Dr and have been told that I am healthy and have nothing to worry about - it is OK if we try for a second child. I guess we will wait and see what happens:)

I realized today that it has been 5 full weeks since the miscarriage and I am still so emotionally sick over the situation. I thought that once my body healed that I would be able to put everything behind me and start over – I was wrong. The miscarriage was over in a few hours but my body didn’t heal for three weeks! I had one week off before my period arrived and once again I was reminded daily of what I went through – of what I lost. Luckily my period has ended and tomorrow I go to the Dr’s to get a check up and make sure everything is OK. If everything is fine then we can start trying to get pregnant again, which some days I am so confident while other days I am a puddle of indecision. Should we have a second baby? Can I live through another heartbreak? Will our marriage survive another miscarriage? This was probably the hardest thing I have experienced and I am not sure I can do it again – I know stronger women that have done it but I don’t seem to be made of the same material. Brian and I have discussed our impending decision and I think we are going to go with the same philosophy we have always lived by – if it is meant to be we will have a second child – if it is not meant to be then we will not have one. We won’t purposely try to get pregnant but we won’t prevent it either. There are some days that I yearn to be pregnant again so much so, that my heart aches and I feel empty and then there are other times that I am thankful that I am not – that I don’t have to worry every day about another little one.
I am ashamed to admit that I have been avoiding some really great friends because they are pregnant and I can’t stand the idea of being reminded that I am not. I don’t wish them not to be pregnant – I just wish I was – that I could join in with their happiness but I can’t. I hate myself for looking at their extended bellies and feeling jealous! I have had to hide friends on facebook because I can’t stand to look at their ultrasound pics. Am I an awful person? I sure feel like it but that doesn’t change anything and I will have to get over this because I really like these women and don’t want to lose them as friends!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Evie Update!

I have found it difficult to write on my blog lately – for many different reasons. Work, Motherhood and the Miscarriage has taken up a ton of my time what little time left in the day I do get – I want to spend it with Brian and Evie. I have decided that I am not going to taint my stories about Evie with stories about the miscarriage so I will start a new tab for the bad rants and will continue on this page with updates on my amazing Eviekins!
Updates for Evie
Evie will be 18 months at the end of December – where did a year and half go? She is so sweet and kind – If I ask for a hug she will put her head on my shoulder, say “mmmm”, and pat my back! She will also give me kisses (not the icky open mouth suck fest) but cute little kisses on my lips. When I pick her up at the end of the day she runs to me, throws herself into my arms, puts her hands on my cheeks and giggles with delight. She walks around with a stuffed animal tucked in each arm, giving them hugs and kisses. I have never met a child so loving and kind – I worried terribly that she would change when I went back to work but she has only gotten more sweet. She has been staying with Stacy (my neighbor and friend) which contributes for her remaining sweet- Stacy and her two children love Evie as if she is one of their own- I am truly grateful that Stacy was willing watch Evie when I returned to work. The past two weeks have been difficult because she is getting her canines in and is coming down with a cold. Our nights are spent getting up, rubbing her back, covering her with blankets and climbing back into bed just to have her start crying 30 minutes later and repeat. We have found that if she wakes more than 3 times we just put her in the spare bed with one of us and then all of us sleep better the rest of the night. We don’t want to get into a routine of her sleeping with us but nothing is more sad then her crying for us when she doesn’t feel good. Her vocabulary has expanded and her newest thing is to call everyone Momma! I don’t love this but at least she knows my nameJ She has started jiber jabbering as she walks around the house – it sounds like she is having a full conversation but I have no idea what she is saying. She does know the word Book- She routinely brings us books, hands them to us, and then asks to sit. She holds on to a book while we read to her – she would do this all day if we would let her. She loves being outside – kicking her ball or just walking around. She loves the Christmas tree – she goes to – says “see” cause she wants to share it with us, and then brings us an ornament off of it- I have to redecorate it every night but it is so worth it. I also have my village up and she loves to look at the lights. We are finished x-mas shopping and we did really well. Evie ended up with 4 new books, 3 very small toys, a doll, and we bought her a toddler table with four chairs. We are going to put the table together x-mas eve and set it with the tea set I bought her – I cant wait to see her face in the morning!
I am sure there is so much I am forgetting to write but I am sure I will have more time to update this in 2 weeks since my Temp position will be over.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Last wedding of the Season

Erik and Jodi's wedding

OMG- could I have asked/imagined having a cuter child!!!!!!!!!!! I think she gets more adorable as each day passes:)

We celebrated our last wedding of the season - Brian's brother, Erik, married the love of his life, Jodi, this weekend. Their story is a beautiful, classic epic that began in highschool, ended for several years but then re-connected a few years ago! They have loved each other for over 20 years and we were lucky enough to share the moment they were able to commit to each other for the rest of their lives. It was an amazing ceremony that brought tears to my eyes and made me thankful to witness that moment.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why Carve Pumpkins?

I found this to be an interesting little story I just came across when trying to find a recipe for pumpkin seeds and thought I would share with all of you:)

The story of the Jack o'Lantern comes from Irish folklore. Jack was a crafty farmer who tricked the Devil into climbing a tall tree. When the Devil reached the highest branch, Jack carved a large cross in the trunk, making it impossible for the Devil to climb down.

In exchange for help getting out of the tree, the Devil promised never to tempt Jack with evil again. When Jack died, he was turned away from Heaven for his sins and turned away from Hell because of his trickery. Condemned to wander the earth without rest, Jack carved out one of his turnips, took an ember from the devil, and used it for a lantern to light his way. He became known as "Jack of the Lantern."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

15 month appt

Evie went to her 15 month dr appt today. All went well except she is still having a lot of trouble with her skin and we now have even more creams to lather her up with!
She weighed in at 26lbs = 90th %, 33 inches long = 95th%, and her head size is in the 95th%. She is now wearing exclusively 2T outfits and I am amazed at how much she is growing. She is starting to slim down and you can actually see a well defined stomach and a couple of rib bones but it is still hard to lug a 26lb toddler around. She is also walking very good, is cutting another tooth and made it through the last 3 shots she needs. She also has a great vocabulary - She can now point at something and say "SEE" to show me what she is interested in, she also asks to sit on the couch with us but standing in front of us and yelling "SIT" (I am trying to add Please to that sentence so it is less of a demand and more of a question:), Tree, Rockabye, tickle, doggy, cheese, and many other words escape her mouth through out the day.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sleepy Girl

My sleepy little girl!! There are certain days Evie takes two naps - she will wake up at 6:30- take a nap at 9:30 for half an hour, then another nap around 1:30 for two hours. I like this schedule most days but when we are out running around or at a playdate Evie will miss her morning nap and usually holds up until 12 when she finally falls asleep in any position, in the middle of whatever we were doing (today it was eating lunch:)! I figure I am not going to push Evie to change - if she wants two naps one day but only one the next - that is cool with me as long as she is a happy camper and can make it through meal time.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Halloween Bash!!

Evie is throwing a Halloween Bash for all of her friends - if you didn't get an invite but want to come - stop on by October 30th at 3:00pm. I love Halloween- I love the decorations, Garfield's Halloween Special, the candy, and anything associated with the holiday except for dressing up. I love seeing all the adorable children costumes and I enjoy adults that relish in becoming a new character for a day but I do not like dressing up - I can never figure out what to be and then it never looks the way I want it to. Luckily this party will satisfy my desire to celebrate Halloween but will also allow me to go as myself, which is the best costume of all - MOM!
So this spooktacular event will have a couple of trick or treating stations where the children can knock on a door and receive a treat (so far I have goody bags that will include a toothbrush and an apple, Halloween books and Marissa will be providing plush monsters). There will also be cider, cupcakes and yummy snacks. I think Evie will be dressing up as a little fairy - I have a purple too too and wings for her, which will cost me nothing and will look absolutely adorable!!!
On another note, my lovely child just climbed up her high chair so she could eat her leftovers from snack time and got stuck - OMG- she is going to give me a heart attack one of these days:)

Dear Unrealised Dream,
You need to know you were loved from the moment you came into existence, that you were wanted and so real to me! I understand why you opted not to enter this cruel world, imperfect and flawed- it would have been too hard and so sad to watch. Know that I admire your tenacity for holding on to me as long you could and you are forgiven for finally letting go. Thank you for showing me the dreams that have been in my life all along, for teaching me to appreciate the dreams that did come true! I will miss your presence - even if it wasn't real, I will love you, even if you were only an unrealised dream. Sleep peacefully!
Love always and forever,

The Big "M" Word!

Some of you may wonder why I am about to share some very sad news but I need to get this story off my chest and I can't think of a better audience- my friends!! On September 16th I found out I was pregnant (about 4 weeks) and Brian and I were happy - we were going to provide Evie with a little sibling, I was going to experience the joys of pregnancy again, and we were going to bring another perfect little monster into this world. Everything seemed to progress normally- my boobs hurt, I was nauseous, emotional, and feeling very pregnant. We attempted to keep this information secret but soon our parents knew and they told family and then we progressed to tell our close friends and then random people. By the time I hit 10 weeks most of everyone knew and I was planning on posting about it the following week after my first ultrasound. At this point though I wasn't feeling very well - I kinda of felt empty and angry for no reason. I had spotted slightly over a couple of weeks but kept telling myself everything was OK. At my 10 week appt I asked the Dr to use the Doppler to hear the heart beat - she forewarned me that it was very early and it probably wouldn't work so I wasn't too disappointed when I couldn't hear anything but I was def worried. I showed up to my 11 week ultrasound (by myself), anxious and worried but hopeful that all would end well. I knew the minute the ultrasound began that something was wrong - the Tech didn't point anything out and started to tell me a very inane story to keep my attention away from what she was doing. She then told me that we needed to do an internal - I asked if something was wrong but she didn't want to comment so I went to the bathroom, went back to the room and waited. She came back with the Dr. and they explained that the ultrasound was showing that there was an empty egg sack - No Baby! They did the internal- while I laid there hoping they were wrong but that did not happen. The Dr. explained that I was going to miscarry - that a D & C was a possibility but the best thing would be to go home and consider my options. I was absolutely devastated and completely alone! The Dr. attempted to console me but her hug and consolations were not comparable to my husband. I left in a hurry - practically running to my car but not before I noticed a full waiting room of expectant mothers - happy and excited for their appt and I thought "that should be me". I immediately called Brian, which could not understand what I was saying in between sobs but he knew something was wrong and that he would meet me at home. He made it home five minutes after me, to find me on the back porch, smoking a cigarette and drinking a glass of wine and sobbing inconsolably. As my friend put it, "I hit the self destruct button" and I found it comforting to immediately stop thinking of myself as pregnant. Evie spent the night at my father's and we spent the night informing family and discussing our options. I called a friend that had gone through two miscarriages and she was able to explain what I was about to experience. It has been four days since I found out - Emotionally I have come to terms that I will not carry a baby to term or give birth in May. I believe that having Evie has helped me manage this sad event much better than if this was my first pregnancy. I was also informed that the fetus never developed past five weeks -I am not losing a tiny imperfect baby - I am losing an egg that never developed. I never blamed Brian for not being there but I know he feels guilty and I don't think he will ever leave me alone during an important event ever again. Unfortunately, physically I am not doing as well - I am slightly spotting and find myself uncomfortable (as if it was a day or two before my period) but the miscarriage has not begun and it may be days before I am finally able to put this behind me. I am fixated with the knowledge that my body is going to go through a very traumatic experience but I don't know when or how it will happen. I have been informed that this will not be an easy transition but millions of women have gone through this so I am confident that I am capable of dealing with it. If this doesn't occur on its own a D&C maybe necessary but my Dr is confident that I should be able to do this naturally, which is what I want because we can try for another pregnancy after my first normal period- if I have to go through the D&C we will have to wait three normal periods before trying again. I have decided that I won't let this deter me - I won't let this defeat me- we want a second child and so we will try until we succeed!! I am so sorry if this story has made you sad, or worried, or upset in anyway but Thank you for listening and for being an understanding friend.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry, Fanesia. I can't imagine how hard it has been, and I'm thinking of you and Brian and Evie.
