Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2 month appt

Ethan had his 2 month appt today:
Weight= 14 pounds (77th percentile)
Length= 23.5 inches (87th percentile)
Head size = 66th percentile.
He received three shots and an oral vaccination - he screamed and cried but I was able to hold up a little bit better than with Evie's first shots!
I go back to work in a week and a half - this is going to be very difficult!  He just seems to small and vulnerable to be without me all of the time.  Brian told me I could stay home but I have to figure out how to make 20,000 a year, while watching my two children.  My only feasible option seems to be watching other children but I am not sure that is the best option for me - I am not a big fan of babysitting or sitting at home all day.  I guess I will just have to suck it up and deal with going back to work full time for now.