Friday, November 16, 2012

Ethan's Arrival

Ethan Jacob VanScoy was born on November 8, 2012 at 10:13PM at Bellevue Hospital in Niskayuna NY.  He weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 20 inches long.  I went into labor around 2 in the afternoon (right after working my last day before Maternity leave began)  - I took a nap and woke up with contractions - Brian came home at 5:30 with Evie and the contractions were 5 min apart but I didn't want to believe I was really in labor so I waited - took a shower, got Evie cleaned up and ready for bed and then Brian decided to have his Mom pick Evie up for the night.  Evie left at 7:30 and we decided to go to the hospital because the contractions were 3 min apart.  When we arrived I was 5/6 centimeters and started getting set up for an epidural - by the time that was administered an hour later I was 9 centimeters and it didn't really work on the contractions, which were overwhelmingly painful!  Luckily, the epidural did numb my pelvis so I did not feel Ethan actually being born.  We pushed for 15 minutes and Ethan entered the world.  It went so quick that when we arrived the Goonies had just started - when it was over the Goonies was still on! 
We spent two nights in the hospital and came home Saturday morning.  The hospital wasn't too bad but I had to send Brian home the first night because he had a cold and wouldn't stop coughing and then I got a room mate the second night and the room was way too small for both of us.  Ethan roomed in with me and only left to get checked by the Dr and for 2 hours on the second night so my roommate and I could get some sleep. 
Ethan is doing great breastfeeding - this is a much different experience then with Evie!  He eats every 3 hours - once in a while cluster feeding at night or in the morning.  He is sleeping great because he is full and content and when he is not sleeping, eating or pooping - he just lays in he bassinet or in the bouncy chair watching the world go by.  I can't believe what a difference he is from Evie.  He does have a terrible diaper rash on his bum - we are using triple AF paste but if anyone has any other remedies please let me know - he poops so much that his bum is just raw. 
I am doing well - a few PPD issues - I can't sleep without medicine so there is no napping for me but I am able to sleep with the aide of Ambien at night in between feedings.  I think I am just overwhelmed with being the one and only person able to feed this little monster - I hope this tapers off as we get more comfortable with our roles. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

When will Ethan Arrive?

So, the bets have been placed and everyone's input has been heard- When will Ethan Arrive - No one seems to agree- surprise, surprise!  Waiting for a baby to be born happens to be a very hard thing to endure, the anticipation and excitement is overwhelming while the fear is suffocating.  I was very fortunate with Evie - she showed up a week early, I went on maternity leave on a Friday- went into labor during the weeknd and delivered her on Monday night (easy, peasy)!  Tomorrow I am 39 weeks pregnant with Ethan and I went to the Doctor's this morning, I am 2 centimeters dilated, I have been having braxton hicks contractions for a month now (regular and irregular) - I had an ultrasound and my fluid is good, Ethan is healthy and weighing in around 7.3 pounds.
I will be starting my maternity leave on Friday - I called in sick today and will work 6 hours a day Tuesday, Wed and Thursday.  I found it to be more difficult to keep up this pregnancy - Evie has a lot of energy and wears me out.  She also does not sleep by herself all night long - she will fall asleep around 8 and sleep in her bed until 2 and then call for Brian and I (we take turns so one of us gets a good night rest). 
So, only time will tell when Ethan will arrive but I am fairly sure it will be before Sunday:)