Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4 Weeks

Evie Marie is four weeks old - where is the time going? She is getting bigger by the day and developing a personality of her own. Unfortunately, she is having some tummy issues because she is adjusting to formula. I am not breastfeeding anymore and the change has caused hours of fussiness. We are getting about 6 or 7 hours of sleep a night due to the feeding schedule we have - Brian takes the 11:00 feeding and then I do the 3 am feeding and the 6am feeding.
Evie's Uncle Chris will be home this weekend to visit and meet her for the first time- We are very excited and will post some pics next week:)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Three Weeks

Evie is three weeks tomorrow and I can't believe how time is flying!! She is doing Great and has adjusted to life outside the womb wonderfully. Her belly button is completely healed and we were able to give her a bath - the first time was filled with a lot of screaming and unhappiness but the second bath went a lot better.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Two Weeks

Evie turns two weeks old today and I can't believe it has been two weeks already!!!! Brian and I were discussing yesterday that if Evie hadn't arrived on time I would be induced today - that would be two weeks without our little one, two weeks more of being magnificently pregnant and two more weeks of anticipation. I will admit there has been several times over the past week that I wished she was back inside of me (yes, it was easier being pregnant than being a mom).
Brian and I have fallen head over heels in love with Evie. She is the best baby - she sleeps 3 to 4 hours at a time, breast feeds well (we do have to suppliment with formula a couple of times a day) and barely cries (she doesn't like to be washed or have her diaper changed).
She likes to cuddle and be held but will also sleep in her crib in her own room all night. We are very lucky to have this wonderful baby.
Some of you may have wondered why I haven't posted lately and it has to do with Post Partum Depression -this is something I will post more about because it is a huge issue that is not discussed enough. I had no idea how hard it was going to be to become a mother and what my hormones would do to my emotions and body. But for now I have to end this post short because little Evie is waking up:)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Evie Marie Vanscoy

Evie Marie was born June 28th at 7:38 PM - weighing in at 8 pounds 18 inches and extremly healthy. Labor started at 1:30am on Monday morning and we started timing contractions at 2:30 - they were 5 minutes apart from 2:30 to 5:30 and then moved to 3 to 4 minutes apart and became more painful. We went to the hospital at 7:00 and all labor stopped - I was only 2 cms dilated and the contractions just ended for one and half hours. After an exam and sitting on the medicine ball labor began again and I was at 4 cm- within two more hours I reached 7 cms. The doctor came in around 6 and we decided to break my water - I was doing pretty good up to this point and had no drugs. After my water broke I moved to 9 cms and the pain intensified to the point that I could no longer stand it - I had an epidural which was the best decision I could have ever made. We pushed for 30 minutes and our little Evie entered the world!!!! Evie had been an absolute joy - she is sleeping well, breastfeeding with minimal issues and very easy to handle. I couldn't ask for a better more beautiful baby - I am so in love.