Tuesday, October 12, 2010

16 Weeks

Our little Evie is 16 weeks old!! I really can not believe that she has been here for that long, that the time has passed so quickly and that she has so easily become the most important part of our lives. I am so in love with Evie and every day gets more amazing. Her smile brightens every morning of my life and her cuddling relaxes me ever night. So far Evie smiles, giggles (more like a deep intake of breath and then a snort), grabs at objects, loves musical toys, kicks, does push ups and attempts to get her legs under her so she can scoot around. She is not eating cereal yet but I think that will happen after her next Dr. appt on November 1. She avidly watches us eat and tries to grab at food. I let her lick an apple yesterday and she gave me a huge smile so I think she is ready for that milestone. She loves to be outside and to look at the trees blowing in the wind. My sister and I took Evie for a hike yesterday at Buck Mt., located in Lake George- it is a 3.3 mile hike straight up a mountain - needless to say we did not make it all of the way. We were at 2.5 miles and my back, feet, and whole body could not take anymore so we turned around and made our way back down. Evie loved every minute of it- when she was awake she just looked up and smiled at the leaves- when she got tired she feel peacefully asleep. I carried her in a harness on my chest the entire way - I can barely move today but it was sooo worth it! We went to lunch at the Log Jam, one of my favorite restaurants and Evie sat on my lap and was absolutely adorable. It was a great Columbus day and I am so happy we could spend it with my sis. Brian and I were also busy this weekend staining our deck and pathway, finding Halloween costumes, and spending time with Evie. Brian took Evie to the Mall and attempted to pick up chicks but it didn't go so well - only middle aged or old ladies stopped to admire our baby:)
Daycare is going great - Evie loves spending time with Marissa and Carly and I love my job. I can't believe I was so worried over this transition - it has gone so smoothly. Marissa has a great schedule set up for them;
Evie arrives at 7:30 while Carly is at work with her Dad
Evie eats and then takes a nap and Carly comes home from work
They take a walk if it is nice, eat lunch and then another nap
In the afternoon they have story time and play time
Evie eats again around 4 and then I pick her up at 4:30
Carly cries for a couple minutes after we leave because she misses her BFF- Evie doesn't understand yet but I am sure the tears will flow when she finally realizes we left her BFF behind!
This schedule works out great for all of us and I couldn't be more happy with the situation.

If you are a mother with a baby that does not sleep well - please don't read the next section- nothing is worse than a mom bragging about how great her baby sleeps but I really can't help it:)
Brian and I are so lucky and we are very thankful that Evie sleeps so well. For the last two months she has been going to sleep around 8 pm - we wake and force feed her at 9:30 and put her in her crib (in her room) and she sleeps until we wake her at 6:30 during the week or 7:30 during the weekend. I keep waiting for the rug to be pulled out from underneath us - every night I wonder if this will be the night that our baby turns into a sleepless monster. I am not sure what we did to deserve this beautiful, wonderful baby but I am so grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy taht things are going so well for you guys, I am totally jealous of the push ups! Can't wait to play with you and Rex on Halloween! We need some adult time!
