So, it has been awhile since I have updated my blog. There are many reasons as to why I haven't written - mostly because I am lazy and also because I don't have a lot of time! Evie has decided that every time I am on the computer she wants to help, which doesn't work for me and usually causes a lot of frustration on both mine and Brian's part.
It feels as if our lives are on a roller coaster ride lately. Brian started his new job but has to continue working at his old job until they move to Florida - confusing and busy. He has also been helping out at his Mom's house- attempting to get ready for Aunt Sharon's wedding this weekend:) We are trying to get the house ready for winter because summer has decided to whisk to quickly through our lives.
I have been busy applying for jobs (with no success), making my adorable baby hats, and starting up a new business adventure (check out our website ). But most importantly I have been busy raising our child. I have realized that when people ask me what I do for a living I answer "nothing right now", which is so not true- I have the most important job there is - guiding and teaching Evie, raising her to become a happy, well-balanced adult. I never thought that would be my career - I thought I would be an executive in a fortune 5oo business or teaching English to highschoolers or helping abused women (yes, I had a range of dream jobs). Instead, I am a mother first and my career will always come second- this was a hard change to deal with but one I absolutely love!!
Now for the person you really want to hear about - EVIE!! She has grown into a toddle overnight and has loved all the changes. She is standing and walking on her own now - what a huge achievement. She gets so excited when she finally works up the courage to let go of the furniture and walk across the room - she actually gets too excited sometimes and forgets what she is supposed to be doing. I am def more tired from chasing her all over the place but luckily we have baby proofed the downstairs of our house very well so she can only get into the Tupperware cabinet and the drawers containing our dvds. Evie is also talking up a storm- she has learned to say Hi, Bye, Kitty, Whats that or Whats this, pretty bird, oh shit, woof, and many other adorable antics. She is such a happy baby - she laughs and smiles easily, goes with me every where, likes almost all people (she tends to get frightened by loud men) and just loves life. She is adventurous - loves to climb on everything even though it wasn't meant to be, tries new food (the slug she ate the other day was a little too adventurous for me) and exploring any new area. I love to watch her play, dance and read her books. She is just amazing!!!
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