Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It has been a very long time since I have written in this blog – I am wondering how many people will actually read this post. I wanted to share a little secret that I have hidden for 15 weeks – yup, I am pregnant again. I was very fearful to share this news – that I would say it out loud and then the baby would disappear but I finally feel comfortable admitting it plus my tummy is growing at a considerable rate so it is pretty hard to hide. The beginning of this pregnancy was rough – I found out a week before my period was due and went to the Dr right away, which was a smart move. I had blood tests done and found that my progesterone was low but my pregnancy hormones were increasing at a normal rate. The Dr. immediately put me on a progesterone hormone, which I had to take until I hit 13 weeks – as a side note, which maybe a bit too much information, it was a vaginal suppository! Supper Icky!!!
I have had two ultrasound – the seven week one showed a heartbeat and healthy fetus, the 11 week one showed a tiny, perfect baby with a wonderful heartbeat. This pregnancy has been the hardest due the fear of a miscarriage and the progesterone amped up the symptoms so that I was nauseous all the time, my boobs hurt to the point that I didn’t want to take my bra off because their natural movement killed me, and I was extremely tired. I am thrilled to be out of the first trimester and on my way to having a second healthy baby.
I should mention that this is the absolute last baby Brian and I will be having – he is going in to get fixed once this little one has joined us:)
I had my 15 week check up yesterday - I have gained 2 pounds, was able to hear an amazing heartbeat and had all my worries put to ease by the Dr.  In 5 weeks we will see our little one and find out the sex - I am so excited!!


  1. congratulations!! i hope the 2nd trimester is a breeze for you & you are getting plenty of rest. xoxo!

  2. I am reading Fanesia.... : ) You know how happy I am for your family! Congratulations! And don't do anything too irrational in the sterilization department... lol.... you might want 10 more?!?

  3. Amber - I will have more children if someone else carries them! The amount of worry is going to cause my early demise.

  4. Congratulations! What great news - we're really happy for you guys.
