Thursday, April 7, 2011

First -Last day

Today is Evie's last day with Marissa and Carly! I know she doesn't understand what is happening but I feel so bad that she is losing that daily interaction with her BFF. I know Marissa and I will schedule play dates for our little ones but it is not the same. I will also miss my daily conversations with Marissa- she has helped me through some rough times with Evie and has been a terrific go-to Mom whenever I have a question. Marissa has made some wonderful suggestions, has spent the last six months teaching my baby the fundamentals and sharing her time and child with mine. I thought of Marissa as the "2nd" mom to Evie - she spent more time with her than I did and that makes me so happy (that Evie was loved by someone else when I couldn't be there) and so sad because I wasn't there. I have grown to love Carly, too - when I walk into the house after a long day at work- I am greeted by her smiling little face and arms reaching up for me. I pick Carly up and we have wonderful conversations - I think she is trying to tell me about her and Evie's day. I will miss this relationship terribly but will love my ability to spend more time with Evie, to be able to teach her, play with her and cuddle with her without the distraction of work for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. omgosh! Im reading this as Evie is sleeping right next to me...yup I cried!! Its been a blast for me and I know for Carly, we will miss you guys soo much, but I know you and Evie are going to have alot of fun bonding and hanging out together. She is an awesome kid and im so happy I was able to help you transition to being a working mom...its hard to believe Ive watched her for 6 months!! It doesnt seem like its been that long...I guess time flies when your having fun :)
