Saturday, April 2, 2011

Updates - 9 months

I have a lot of updates, some pertaining to Evie and others pertaining to life. To start, Evie is now 9 months old - OMG only three more months and we will be celebrating her first b-day! Evie's 9 month Dr appt went really well: 23 lbs - 90th % 30 inches- 95th % Two bottom teeth have appeared and four top teeth are breaking through Evie is starting finger foods, which is so much fun. She has had an English muffin, baby puffs, cheese, tomatoes, bananas and a few other small items. She loves this new adventure with food and Brian & I are loving it too - it allows us to eat together as a family instead of one of us choking our food down in between spoon feeding Evie. We are trying to get her to hold her own bottle but she only tries once in a while - most the time she lays on our laps like a lump expecting us to do everything for her (yup, we spoiled the crap out of her). Evie sits with no support, tries to sit up on her own and can dive onto her belly from that position without hurting herself. We are encouraging standing and walking but she has no desire to move - other than to bounce, bounce and bounce some more. She is attempting to get her belly off the ground to crawl but that isn't going very well - probably cause I move her toys close so she doesn't whine. Evie loves the TV - we tried to keep it off but it just didn't work - we both love watching it so much that we gave up. So, Evie watches Spongebob when we get home for the day and then the Simpsons with her Dad but I draw the line with Family Guy - I turn it to the news or off whenever that show comes on (especially after she started smiling at the theme music!). We fall in love with this amazing, brilliant little girl more everyday and we are completely impressed with our ability to produce such a beautiful, loving baby. Now - on to the other news, which isn't the greatest! I will be officially unemployed after April 8th - so if any of you here of a good job opening let me know. Brian and I have expected this to happen for the last 6 months. Even though I knew it was coming it still shocked and hurt me when HR arrived on Monday to tell myself and 3 other employees we were no longer needed. I am getting a pretty sweet severance package and can collect unemployment if needed but I really don't want to use that resource if I can help it. Evie and I have health insurance until the end of July and then we will have to sign up with Brian's unless I can find something by then. My goal is to have another job in 6 weeks- this maybe lofty in today's economic crisis but I am going to work hard to realize it. We also have to replace our septic system (a 10 to $15,000 expense!!), which has thrown both Brian and I through a loop. We are not sure what to do at this point but I am positive it will all work out. So life is great because Spring is almost here, Evie is healthy & amazing, and Brian & I have each other, along with wonderful friends & an awesome family.

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