Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Boy or Girl (part 2)

In two weeks I will go in for my 20 week ultrasound and I am beyond excited.  I can't wait to see this little alien again, to hear it's heartbeat and confirm that he/she is still present.  Of course, the little monster is squirming around in there so everyday I know my visitor has not left but it will be nice to have it confirmed by the Drs.  I am also very excited to find out the sex - I don't care what it is - I just want to start planning.  We all know how neurotic I am so this will help ease that a bit.  A girl would be nice because I already have all the stuff and I love  having a girl already!  A boy would be nice because it would be a whole new adventure, I would have a miniature Brian, which would be awesome and Evie would have a little brother to beat on:)  The pregnancy is going well other than a lot of pelvis pain - any suggestions on how to ease that?  I actually have trouble walking or getting up from a chair and I am not that big yet.  I really should have exercised more in between pregnancys!  The family is recouping from the loss of Remi but things are getting back to normal slowly.  Evie is sleeping in her big girl bed and only occasionaly needs Brian or I to lay with her, which is pretty awesome - maybe we will catch up on sleep before this next baby arrives.  We are getting some house projects done - painting the garage and cleaning up the yard.  We have a lot more to do but we are thinking of selling next year so I don't want to put too much more effort or money into our first home. 
Evie has been amazingly cute lately.  She doesn't say a lot of sentences but she has a lot of words and I am always amazed when I hear a new one.  Yesterday morning we were walking into daycare and she was hopping - I asked her what she was doing - "Jump Momma"!  I didn't even know she knew how to jump - never the less say it!  We are working on her walking in public instead of us carrying her - I am too tired to lug a 30 pound kid around and soon will be too fat.  She is enjoying her summer - playing with her friends, Alex and Dylan, or visiting with Grandparents.  She loves to play in the pool we bought and it gives us time to sit and relax while we watch her.  I had an inch trimmed off the back of her hair - can't believe it grew that quick and it is still past her shoulders.  She is now exclusively in 3T clothes even though her 2nd B-day is two weeks away.  My baby is growing up too fast and I feel like I am missing huge portions of it but I try to cherish every moment I do get to spend with my precious angel.

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